Technology in the Classroom

The use of technology in our classrooms is now commonplace. However, it is important that teachers do NOT use their own personal devices in the course of their work at school. There are many reasons to not use your own devices including: the protection of your own information on your device; liability and privacy issues associated with creating student records on your own personal devices; and, the over-riding onus on the employer to provided tools needed in the course of employment.

Recent decisions made by the BCTF AGM on this topic include:

51.C.07―That the BCTF:
1. oppose the government/employer “bring your own device” expectation for members using technology in the work place for the purposes of:
a. implementing curriculum.
b. obtaining, storing, processing, sharing, and publishing information and work of students.
c. evaluating and reporting on students.
2. lobby the provincial government to provide and maintain the technology needed to complete the above mentioned tasks. (15 AGM, pp. 28–29 )

51.C.09―Digital reporting That:
1. digital programs for reporting and communication with parents should only be used when Privacy Impact Assessments have been developed and district, school, and classroom policies have been defined and are followed.
2. district, school, and classroom policies should include definitions of how the data will be used during the time that it is being collected (e.g., a school year), whether it will be saved and accessible after the current use, and, if so, who has access to that data, and a plan for how and when the data will be destroyed.
3. students and parents should be made aware of and have access to all Privacy Impact Assessments and district, school, and classroom policies on digital technology use. This should be more than a pro-forma signature of the parent and clearly explain the implications.
4. digital reporting should have reasonable limits on the amount of time that is spent by the teacher in carrying out the content and technical work.
5. all data created by a student should be recognized as belonging to the student and not to the provider of the program, nor should it be used for any commercial purpose nor linked to other education, government, or commercial databases.
6. the employer provides to teachers who choose to use digital reporting the relevant hardware, software, in-service, technical support, and legal indemnification. (17 AGM, p. 3)